50.000 b.C
85 b.C
2 a.C
740 a.C
1590 a.C
1759 a.C
1932 a.C
1963 a.C
1985 a.C

Time Line objects

A trip across the time

Oil Lamp

The Oil lamp was a anonymous creation,

 it means that we don't know who inveted it. But what we know, is that it was created around the. 50.000 B.C. The main problem that it solves, was giving light on dark places, like caves or in free spaces at night.

The way it worked was easy, you inserted a  piece of moss, soaked in oil, then it was inserted and that served as a combustion wick.



Even if we know that the Netherlands is the land of windmills, this isn't like this.

It was created by Tesibius, who lived from 285 to 222 BC and invented the two main components of the windmill, but based on a water windmill. These two components were the hydraulic wheel and the serrated gear. Windmills are the services that can convert wind power into rotational energy. 

Ice skating

Ice skating was created by Hans Brinker, in the 2 th century. The main need that solved was walking through the thin ice of lakes or rivers, and avoiding falling in there, also Another entertainment that this invention gave, was ice skating races and games. The way this Invention worked was with a blade that instead of iron was made for bones of animals and leather.


It was invented in anciente Babylon, Egypt, and China (anonymous creator). Using printing techniques, the one that developed more this technique was the Chinese in the 8th century. In many temples of China it was even symbolise by colored fabrics and templates. Further in time, around the 15th century, it began to be spread around some other places to be used for the production of graphic prints.

Before  printing on paper the material used was the leather or skin of animals, that were quite expensive


Created by Hans Lippershey in the 1590. He was born in Wesel, Germany in 1570 and passed away in 1619 in Middelburg, Germany. it was established
 in Middelburg, capital of Zeeland, province of the Netherlands. In 1594, he married, receiving citizenship in 1602. He is believed to have been a master lens polisher and spectacle maker who ran a shop. He remained in Middelburg until his death.
He applied to the States General of the Netherlands on October 2, 1608 for a patent for his telescope design, which had a fixed lens and a moving lens. A description of the instrument reached Galileo Galilei, who built one in 1609 based on his design. It provides a means of collecting and analyzing radiation from celestial objects,even those in the far reaches of the universe, also to be able to see the stars and other planets we couldn't see before because they were too far away. And it also showed the clear images of earth and the moons.And it was also able to show new nature on each planet and places in space in different ways.  

marine chronometer

is a precision timepiece that is carried on a ship and employed in the determination of the ship's position by celestial navigation. It was developed by John Harrison born in England. by using the chronometer to keep accurate time from a known location – such as where the ship sets sail from – and comparing this with the time of day where the ship was located, accurate positioning became possible. The clock operated without being affected by gravity thanks to its moving parts being spring-controlled and counterbalanced.

Electric Guitar

The first electrically amplified stringed instrument to be marketed commercially was a cast aluminium lap steel guitar nicknamed the "Frying Pan" designed in 1931 by George Beauchamp born in Coleman County, Texas on March 18, 1899. And He died on March 20, 1941. in Los angeles US

This invention solve some common problems that acoustic guitar players face: limited volume. While acoustic guitars can produce beautiful, resonant tones, their volume is limited. INstead the  electric guitar, can produce more reverb, gain and change the way of how it sounds depending on the configuration.

It was made by Pick-up coils, consisting of a small magnet wound with wire, created an interaction with a magnetic string or wire, which in turn creates a current in the coil. This current can be transmitted to a speaker and converted to sound by a reciprocal process.


The skate board was made by Richard Lawrence "Larry" Stevenson. IN 1961 santa monica USA. He invented because he thought about the younger generation,and find another way to entretain them.The skateboard acts as a compound machine because it's made up of two simple machines. One of which are the trucks and wheels. In our case, the deck is the lever and the trucks imitate fulcrums. The skateboarder applies pressure to the trucks and gives/releases pressure on the levers.  Who invented the skateboard and skateboarding?


This was first made possible by the creation of the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989 by the English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee. The Internet makes it possible to quickly find information, communicate with people around the world, manage your finances, shop from home, listen to music, watch videos, and also make it accessible to any person.

Sejarah World Wide Web atau WWW, Penemunya Tim Berners Lee Tahun 1989  Halaman all - Kompas.com

Computers connect to each other and to the Internet via wires, cables, radio waves, and other types of networking infrastructure.The web browser connects to the web server and sends an HTTP request (via the protocol stack) for the desired web page. The web server receives the request and checks for the desired page. If the page exists, the web server sends it. If the server cannot find the requested page, it will send an HTTP 404 error message.