Oedipus Rex

By sophocles 

The story of Lauis Murder

He set out for Thebes and on the road encountered King Laius. The pair got into a quarrel over the right-of-way which quickly escalated. Ignorant of his true ancestry, Oedipus killed his own father, slaying him with his sword.Being angered, Laius either rolled a chariot wheel over his foot or hit him with his whip, and Oedipus killed Laius and all but one of his attendants, who claimed it was a gang of men. Laius was buried where he died by Damasistratus, the king of Plataea.According to one version of the story, Laius, king of Thebes, was warned by an oracle that his son would slay him. Accordingly, when his wife, Jocasta (Iocaste; in Homer, Epicaste), bore a son, he had the baby exposed (a form of infanticide) on Cithaeron.

The Blinding of Oedipus 

Later, when the truth became known, Jocasta committed suicide, and Oedipus (according to another version), after blinding himself, went into exile, accompanied by Antigone and Ismene, leaving his brother-in-law Creon as regent.Cursing his fate that had doomed him to do what he had meant not to do, he blinded himself, as he could not bear to see the children he had fathered with Jocasta, his wife and mother. Jocasta for her part hanged herself. Oedipus, in disgrace, left his country, and, as a blind beggar, wandered in the countryside.

"My" Daughters 

His daughter Antigone acted as his guide as he wandered through the country, finally dying at Colonus where they had been welcomed by King Theseus of Athens.Oedipus does not commit suicide in the play Oedipus Rex. He blinds himself at the end of the story. Oedipus dies in the ssequel, Oedipus at Colonus; however, it is not by suicide. In the play Antigone, Oedipus' daughter does commit suicide.

Oedipus At Colonus 

Oedipus discusses his fate as related by the oracle, and claims that he is not fully guilty because his crimes of murder and incest were committed in ignorance. Despite being blinded and exiled and facing violence from Creon and his sons, in the end Oedipus is accepted and absolved by Zeus.Oedipus says that if Theseus allows him to stay under the protection of Athens and be buried at Colonus, his tomb will bless and protect Athens. Theseus welcomes Oedipus to stay and guarantees that no one will take him away against his will.

The Theft Of "My" Daughters

Creon punishes Antigone to death. Haemon- He is Creon's son. Haemon is supposed to marry Antigone, however, when Creon banishes Antigone to her death, Haemon runs off. Theseus is the hero and Creon is the villain; Creon takes Oedipus's daughters, and Theseus gets them back again. With the gods finally on his side, Oedipus receives what he asks for.Antigone fights for her beliefs and refuses to allow others to tell her what to do. In the end, this proves to be her doom, as she is sealed up in a cave. Not wanting to give any satisfaction to the king, she commits suicide, thereby leaving the mortal world as the strongest of Oedipus' children.

The Ending Of Oedipus' Life

He leads Theseus, Ismene, and Antigone into a hidden part of the grove and ritually prepares for death. Only Theseus, however, actually witnesses the end of Oedipus' life. Since Oedipus' final resting place is at Colonus, Athens receives his blessing and protection, and Thebes earns his curse.Oedipus died at Colonus near Athens, where he was swallowed into the earth and became a guardian hero of the land.


The play is about Antigone's disobedience of Creon's rules when she insists on burying her brother, Polyneices. Antigone, Haemon, and Eurydice die at the end of the play, to Creon's great distress. The play addresses themes of civil disobedience, morality, loyalty, authority, and gender.
Antigone, moved by love for her brother and convinced of the injustice of the command, buried Polyneices secretly. For that she was ordered by Creon to be executed and was immured in a cave, where she hanged herself. Her beloved, Haemon, son of Creon, committed suicide

The Burial

Despite Ismene's pleading, Antigone heads off alone to enact the burial rites both for her own glory and for the preservation of her brother's soul. Antigone is caught defying her uncle's orders, and is punished severely despite being engaged to Creon's son Haemon. She is sealed within a tomb and left to die.Antigone – believes this act to contravene the much more important cultural, religious and social convention that burial rites should always be given to everyone – irrespective of their behaviour.


The Death Of Antigone 

Antigone has hanged herself and Haemon, in desperate agony, kills himself as well. On hearing the news of her son's death, Eurydice, the queen, also kills herself, cursing Creon. Alone, in despair, Creon accepts responsibility for all the tragedy and prays for a quick death.The final message from the Chorus is to remind the audience that humans cannot escape their fate, but that people have the capacity to gain wisdom in their old age.

After she Kills Herself,  nothing happens to Ismene. Creon decides early on that he will not punish Ismene along with her sister because he feels Ismene made the right choice not to help Antigone bury Polynices.