
Wulomei music group

Wulomei is a Ghanaian music group established in 1973 by Nii Tei Ashitey with support from Saka Acquaye a dramatist and musician. Acquaye managed the band and contributed to their music. Ashitey, a former percussionist for the Tempos led by E.T.


Album Releases

In 1974, Wulomei released their debut record, "Walatu Walasa," followed by "Wulomei in Drum Conference" on the Phonogram label, showcasing their fusion of traditional and contemporary sounds.

International Success

During the 1970s and 1980s, Wulomei achieved significant success through tours in Europe and the United States, showcasing their unique musical style and indigenous instruments.

Style and Instruments

Wulomei's music features indigenous instruments such as atenteben bamboo flutes and traditional local percussion, including the distinctive gombe frame drums, along with an amplified guitar played in the West African fingerpicking style.


Their repertoire includes old Ga and Liberian sea shanties, gome songs, as well as recreational songs like kolomashie and kpanlogo from Accra, and Akan highlife music. The band's performers dress in attire reflecting the traditional priests and priestesses of the Ga people.

Legacy and Influence

Wulomei's success spurred the emergence of other "Ga cultural groups" like Blemabii, Dzadzeloi, and Abladei, reflecting their significant influence on Ghanaian music. Members of Wulomei also went on to form their own groups, such as the Bukom Ensemble and the Suku Troupe.


Following Nii Ashitey's retirement, the second generation of Wulomei is led by his son, Nii Ashiquey, and daughter, Naa Asheley, ensuring the continuation of the band's musical legacy.