
Business Objevctives In Converse

By: Emily Carias


Shoe Sales

By 1910 Converse Rubber CO. was selling shoes on a daily basis. The shoes were made to cater towards tennis players since it was a popular sport at the time. The company was on the cusp of growing but still surviving.

Chuck Taylor 

In 1916 Converse CO. was ready to start growing. To do this they decided to start maing basketball shoes since the sport was up and coming and basketball shoes didn't really exist yet. They Introduced the Converse All-Star basketball shoe which began to be worn by chuck Taylor.

Converse All-Star

The Converse All-Star was introduced in 1918. Because of the rapid sucess 'Chuck' Taylor joined the sales force in 1921 and became the first player endorser for the brand. This led to rapid success and growth. 


Converse hit some financial troubles in 1929 and went bankrupt. Mitchell B. Kaufman took over the company but died just a year later. A new owner came in named Albert Welchsler but due to the great depression the company expeirenced very low profits. At this point the company went back to survival mode to keep it afloat.

This affected the owners of the company since they had to change certain aspects to keep the company afloat. Employees were also affected this year since many of them were most likely laid off.

Back On Top

In 1932 the Converse Corp. realized how big Chuck Taylor was invested in their brand and succssesful they decided to add him name to the circular patch on all their shoes. After all their financial troubles in 1933 the Stone family bought Converse. During World War II they gave the U.S military supplies. After the war the began to go back to growth as the company was doing better.

Suppliers were affected in this time because they needed to produce more material to make all the shoes that were needed. Owners also had to cut down on the expansion of the company since it wasn't very possible during the war.


Classic Shoes 

1936- White high tops for the 1936 olympics.

1949- Classic black and white high tops were introduced.

1957- Low cut Converse were invented and they became a casual alternative to the high tops.

At this point they are in the profit and growing stage as they were still expanding their factories across the U.S but they still were innovating new products to make more profit.

Profit Stage

Post WWII Converse had a reputation going on being a comfortable and trendy shoe. By 1957 it accounted for 80% of sales in the basketball shoe sector. This was their main profit making era. 

Customers were the main group that benefitted here since they were being given comfortable shoes that were also popular. Suppliers were also affected since the materials for the shoes needed to meet the demand during this profit making era.

Jordan x Converse

Converse dropped a collab with Micheal Jordan to celebrate one of his game winning shots of 1982. Still in their profit making years a pair of Converse cost $19.99 and 12 million shoes were sold just in 1982. New patterns and designs were being added and were a staple in many people's wardrobes.

Bankruptcy pt.2

In 1990 Interco aquired the company and made slaes rise $315 million the following year. However the new parent company made Converse go through more financial troubles. They filled for bankruptcy in 1991 putting converse back at the survival mode. Since then the company has recovered and for the last 23 years it has been in the profit making stage and has been very successful. 

Again during the bankruptcy the suppliers were affected since less materials were needed from them since the shoes weren't selling as much. However after that stage the employees were heavily affected since more factories are being opened nowadays since the company is doing well.