
Colinazation of the New World


Jamestown is founded

In 1607 Jamestown is founded and is the first english colony in the Americas to succeed. Unlike other attempts Jamestown becomes permanent.

The Great Awakening begins.

Between the 1730s and the 1740s the idea of equality passed around. It was also said more people needed to go to church and people needed to be more religious. This spread the idea of equality and helped spark the American Revolution.

Battles of Lexington and Concord

The battles at Lexington and Concord are considered the first battles of the Revolutionary war. The first battle is sparked when British soldiers try to find guns and gun powder. Union soldiers are chase off. But during the second battle Union soldiers chase the British through a long area.

America signs The Declaration of Independence 

Thomas Jefferson leads the writing of the Declaration of Independence at the second Continental Congress. America is now a country and Great Britian will declare war to get her colonies back.

America signs The Declaration of Independence 


Articles of Confederation Adopted