7.500 B.C
1.000 B.C
85 B.C




It is very likely that the first eastern civilizations, around 3000 years ago BC, used wooden sailing and rowing boats, especially to transport construction materials.

Transportation at sea and in commerce

The oar is a paddle that is inserted into the water and works as a lever with a support point on the gunwale. By applying a force to one end, the resistance of the water is used to cause the ship to slide.



An hourglass is a mechanical instrument used to measure a certain period of time. It has two connected glass containers that allow a regular flow of material, usually fine sand, from the top to the bottom, until it is emptied.

What is an hourglass for? Its use is very simple: inside the compartment there is fine sand, or a similar material, and when it is placed with the sand on top, with the effect of gravity, it slowly falls to the bottom.



The first windmill was designed by Heron (c. 20-62 AD) and was used to drive the bellows of an organ. The Persians, starting in the 7th century, already had mills for irrigation and grinding, formed by wings mounted on a vertical pole, the lower end of which moved a grinding wheel.

When the wind or water pushes the specially designed blades, they rotate the axis, which in turn transmits, through a colossal gear, its movement to another horizontal axis, at the end of which there is a mobile stone, circular in shape, called a grinding wheel. .



The first windmill was designed by Heron (c. 20-62 AD) and was used to drive the bellows of an organ. The Persians, starting in the 7th century, already had mills for irrigation and grinding, formed by wings mounted on a vertical pole, the lower end of which moved a grinding wheel.

When the wind or water pushes the specially designed blades, they rotate the axis, which in turn transmits, through a colossal gear, its movement to another horizontal axis, at the end of which there is a mobile stone, circular in shape, called a grinding wheel. .



Sometime around the year 1249, the Chinese of the Song Dynasty began placing primitive gunpowder in the middle of thick pieces of bamboo to use as firearms, firing clay pellets as with a shotgun.

The barrel of a firearm is usually a metal tube, inside which a controlled explosion or rapid expansion of gases takes place in order to propel a projectile at high speed through its open end.



The first recorded grenades were from the 8th century AD, incendiary weapons from the Byzantine period known as “Greek fire.” The first Chinese grenades had a metal casing and a gunpowder filling. Pomegranates entered widespread military use in Europe in the 16th century.In China.The Frag Grenade is primarily used to eliminate hidden enemies. Considering that trees, containers, and other objects that enemies use as cover are common, frag grenades will be useful in most environments.A grenade is designed with combustible material and an ignition system. When the combustible material is ignited, the gases quickly expand, producing an enormous pressure towards the outside, which in a few moments overcomes the resistance of the outer layer, producing the explosion.



1592: Galileo Galilei builds the thermoscope, which uses the contraction of air as it cools to make water rise through a tube. 1612: Santorre Santorio puts the thermometer to medical use. 1714: Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invents the mercury thermometer.La función de un termómetro es medir la temperatura de un cuerpo. En el caso de los termómetros sanitarios, estos están optimizados para medir dentro del rango de las temperaturas corporales humanas, facilitando por su ergonomía la toma de medidas Cuando el mercurio en el interior del termómetro recibe calor, éste experimenta una dilatación que hace que recorra el tubo del termómetro en el que está contenido. Así, cuando el mercurio atraviesa la escala numérica, podemos medir la temperatura.




But it was British inventor James Sharp who patented the first viable gas stove. Sharp patented the gas stove in Northampton, England, in 1826 and opened a factory in 1836. Beginning in 1828, his invention was marketed by the company Smith & Philips.It is a type of stove that generates heat by burning a gas, usually butane, in a burner in the atmosphere that emits the heat. Its great advantage is that it is economical to purchase and that it generates much more power than electric ones, heating the environment much faster.

The gas and air mixture passes through a tube to the pilot, which ignites it. The flames then flow through the stove's burner tube. Some models have a pilot light that stays on and waits for the burner control knob to operate, releasing the gas.


While there is some debatable evidence for the existence of bicycles before 1800, it is a widely accepted fact that the first bicycle was invented in 1817 by a guy named Baron Karl von Drais in Germany.Bicycles are used as a means of transportation in urban and rural environments. They are ecological (they do not emit pollution), sustainable (their energy comes from the user themselves) and healthy (when using them, the person performs physical activity).Las bicicletas funcionan convirtiendo la energía que produce nuestro pedaleo en energía cinética. De hecho consiguen una eficiencia del 90% en esta conversión, lo que las convierte en las máquinas de transporte más eficientes que se ha inventado hasta ahora; por encima del 85% de eficiencia del motor eléctrico.


In 1844, Irish doctor Francis Rynd designed a needle to inject liquids under the skin of patients. A decade later, the Scotsman Alexander Wood devised the ingenuity, looking for a way to relieve the pain caused by his wife's neuralgia.The syringe is an instrument used to deliver medications or suction fluids into a patient.It is normally filled by inserting the needle into the liquid and pulling on the plunger. It is then placed with the needle facing up and the plunger is pressed to expel any remaining air bubbles, and then the needle is inserted and the liquid is expelled by pressing the plunger.